Judul : FORBES.COM: Google Eyes Brand Advertising For Its Next $30 Billion Opportunity
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FORBES.COM: Google Eyes Brand Advertising For Its Next $30 Billion Opportunity
After sewing up search advertising,Google has spent the last couple of years putting together the pieces of a plan to make display ads its next multibillion-dollar business.
But it’s not done yet. And display ads, those banners and video ads that underwrite most websites, are a much more competitive market than search ads, with Facebook , a newly energized Yahoo , and a raft of ad tech companies all making plays to carve out big chunks of the market. So when Neal Mohan, Google’s longtime VP of display ads, speaks, lots of people listen to find out what Google has in mind.
In a keynote interview at the ad tech conferenceRampUp near Google’s Mountain View headquarters today, Mohan didn’t reveal much new. But in the interview with Auren Hoffman, CEO of conference sponsor LiveRamp, and in a brief conversation I had with Mohan afterwards, he identified Google’s next big target: brand advertising now largely done on TV and in magazines.
That’s not entirely new either, but Mohan said he thinks Google and ad tech in general–to date mostly dedicated to helping direct marketers–is finally on the cusp of attracting significant brand advertising. Here’s what he had to say, edited and sometimes paraphrased:
Q: What has surprised you about how the industry has changed?
Mohan: How much hasn’t changed. We’re still incredibly early in the game in terms of what needs to happen. It’s a $30 billion ecosystem, but it’s still really early days.
One of the big things that’s changing over the last three or four years is technology innovation that could open up the next $30 billion. It’s a confluence of consumer behavior changing–we all live our lives online 24/7–and ad tech innovation from big data and the ability to apply that big data.
We’re finally starting to make inroads in getting rich, interactive creative up fast.
And we’re starting to crack measurement thanks to all the data.
Q: What are you worried about?
Mohan: Collectively, the industry can lose sight of the end goal, which is to create something meaningful to consumers. When we get caught up in brandspeak and three-letter acronyms, we lose sight of that.
Q: Is the gap in sophistication between more advanced direct advertisers and less tech-focused brand advertisers narrowing yet?
Mohan: It’s less about whether brand or performance advertisers are sophisticated or not. It’s that digital has not really been ready to be useful for brand advertisers until recently. Brand advertisers care about finding the audience, engaging with them, and measuring the results. For each of those three things, ad technology is really getting useful for them.
We also have new ways for brands to create a rich, engaging environment, like the Lightbox ad format and the TrueView video ad format (which lets viewers skip the ads after a few seconds if they don’t like them).
Q: How much fraud is going on in display?
Mohan: There’s always going to be bad actors. It’s something we take very seriously. It’s hard to quantify. Viewability is one aspect of it–you have to prove to brands their ad was seen. And you need to provide proof of offline sales. It’s a $200 billion opportunity if we can crack those pillars with technology.
Q: What will be the most significant change in advertising from technology in 15 years?
Mohan: The real question we should all be asking ourselves is can we create experiences that are truly memorable. We should be aspiring toward digital campaigns and experiences that are as memorable as TV ads 20 years ago.
Q: What technologies will enable this?
Mohan: A lot of this has to do with following the consumer. For example, they’re using multiple screens. There will be wearable devices. That technology will continue to evolve.
We are going to have to get used to an advertising model that is 100% driven by consumer choice. For example, TrueView ads (on YouTube) can be skipped, so that will change how advertising works.
Q: Give us an outlandish prediction for two to three years out.
Mohan (who doesn’t do outlandish): First, a third of advertising will be measured beyond the click. That will be over half of online advertising in a couple years. Second, there will be user choice around advertising–half of all advertising will be something where users will actively choose to engage in it.
In a post-interview conversation, Mohan elaborated a bit on the brand ad opportunity. He contends that with ads like TrueView are already attracting lots of brand advertising to YouTube (upwards of $3 billion in revenues last year by some estimates).
But what about the notion, raised in another panel by Andy Atherton, a senior VP at real-time ad platform AppNexus, that the problem isn’t technology but getting tens of thousands of ad folks at marketers and agencies to change how they work? Mohan said he thinks providing better ways to measure the impact on online ads, one of the prime jobs at Google (and other companies such as Facebook for that matter), will do the trick eventually.
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